Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Busy as a Bee: November Calendar & Announcements

Happy to let you know that the November calendar is finalized and ready for you to view! Click on it to make it large enough to read. Call me if you have questions about class fees and available dates. There are many partial days open this month that aren't specified on the calendar.

I'm taking a photography class, so with intermittent sunshine over the past few weeks, I've been busy trying to practice taking photos, as well as creating new glassware in the studio.

Hope to see you at the two shows where I'll be in November! I'll have some new things for you to see - lots of new kaleidoscope dishes and window hangings, plenty of puzzles, more pattern bar designs... and there is even more still in the studio! I'm also planning a few other new things that I hope to finish in time. 

If I don't get everything done in time for the shows, come by to see what's new in the gallery!

We're now on Facebook and Instagram, with more photos coming soon!

If you Google Cat Martin Glass Art and have some good thoughts to share, please write a review for me!

Thank you - and see you soon!


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